Keep3r Relay

The Keep3rRelay is meticulously crafted to orchestrate and streamline task executions from the Keep3r network, offering a cohesive solution for efficient automation processes and fee payments.

Key Features

  • Task Coordination: The contract seamlessly coordinates task executions with an AutomationVault, ensuring a harmonious and streamlined automation process.

  • Keeper Authorization: Validation mechanisms guarantee that only authorized keepers within the Keep3r network can initiate and execute tasks, enhancing security and control.

  • Optimized Execution Array: The contract intelligently creates an array of executions, encompassing crucial steps such as keeper validation, injected execution data, and issuance of payments upon successful task completion.

  • Event Transparency: Upon successful execution, the contract emits the AutomationVaultExecuted event, providing transparent insights into executed tasks and relay activities.

Keep3r Network

The Keep3rRelay combines task coordination, keeper validation, and event transparency to deliver a robust solution for streamlined automation processes within the Keep3r network. This design prioritizes efficiency, security, and user-friendly task execution.