Open Relay

The OpenRelay is designed to manage and facilitate the execution of tasks coming from various bots, ensuring efficient automation processes and fee payments.

Key Features

  • Gas Management: The contract employs gas management to optimize transaction costs. It calculates the gas spent and provides a gas bonus to ensure that the execution is efficient and cost-effective.

  • Automated Fee Calculation: The contract automatically calculates and handles fees for task execution. It uses gas metrics to determine the appropriate payment to be made to the automation vault.

  • Seamless Task Execution: The contract allows the execution of tasks within an automation vault. It ensures that all tasks are carried out smoothly, and fees are promptly paid to the designated fee recipient.

  • Event Transparency: Upon successful execution, the contract emits the AutomationVaultExecuted event, providing transparent insights into executed tasks and relay activities.

Gas Metrics

  • GAS_BONUS: 53,000
  • GAS_MULTIPLIER: 12,000
  • BASE: 10,000

These gas metrics play a vital role in paying the caller for the work performed.